Dr. Jiquan Chen

Jiquan  Chen
  • Professor
  • Geography, Environment, and Spatial Sciences


A native of Shanxi in Northern China, Dr. Chen is a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS, 2011) and a fellow of Ecological Society of America (ESA, 2014). Dr. Chen is also the Editor-in-Chief for two book series: 1) Landscape Ecology (Springer); and 2) Ecosystem Science and Application –ESA (HEP & De Gruyter). He is the founder and chief scientist of the US-China Carbon Consortium (USCCC) . He enjoys Thai Chi practice and Buddha Meditation. He is also a member of the Ecology, Evolutionary Biology, and Behavior (EEBB) Graduate Program and the Environmental Science & Policy Program (ESPP).


Dr. Chen leads the Landscape Ecology and Ecosystem Science lab (LEES). His research and academic instruction programs are on ecosystem processes and their interactive feedbacks to the biophysical and human activities, including community ecology to 3-D canopy structure, forest fragmentation, edge effects, riparian zone, conservation biology, landscape ecology, and micrometeorology. His current research lies in the coupled effects of global climate change and human activities on terrestrial ecosystems, global change ecology, bioenergy, and carbon/water fluxes. He will be teaching special topics on coupled human and natural systems, environmental instrumentations, image processing and GIS, and global change science.


While Dr. Chen has many research projects underway, they all share a commonality that investigates the combinination of human actions with environmental functions. Among these research projects include: "Couple Human and Natural Systems on the Mongolian Plateau", "Sustainbility Assessment of the New Technology and Products of PV Systems", "Ecosystem-Society Interactions on a Changing Mongolian Plateau", "Bioenergy at the Great Lakes Bioenergy Research Center", "A Team for Coupled Human and Environmental MacroSystems (TeamCHEMS) in a Changing Globe", and the "Lake Erie Sensor Network". 

To read more about these projects, visit his lab's website at: http://lees.geo.msu.edu