Cheyenne is a research assistant in the LEES lab at Michigan State University. She received her PhD from MSU's Department of Geography, Environment, and Spatial Sciences in May 2022, and holds a Masters of Arts in Geography from Western Michigan University and a Bachelor of Science in Earth Science from Northern Michigan University. She is a two time All-American Athlete in Track & Field and loves high jump, long jump, and triple jump.
Cheyenne is interested in geographic information systems, cartography and environmental and resource analysis. Her focus is in analyzing water quality and land use and land cover change at multiple spatial and temporal scales, with emphasis on providing sustainable land and water management and addressing the impact of anthropogenic activities on water quantity and quality. She has collaborated alongside multiple watershed councils within Michigan in water quality data collection, invasive species monitoring and public education.
Cheyenne is a Research Fellow with the Institute for Global Change Biology in the School for Environment and Sustainability at the University of Michigan
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