Dr. Monika Anna Tomaszewska

Monika Anna Tomaszewska
  • Assistant Professor - Research
  • Center for Global Change and Earth Observations


Monika joined the Center in January 2020 as a post-doctoral research associate. 

Her research career began in 2010, after she earned a master’s degree from the Department of Geoinformatics and Remote Sensing, Faculty of Geography and Regional Studies University of Warsaw, Poland.

She spent five years working at the Remote Sensing Center of the Institute of Geodesy and Cartography in Warsaw, Poland, during which she was involved in many international and national projects. Her research then was focused on the usage and application of optical and radar imagery and in situ information for (1) monitoring of grasslands, (2) estimation of carbon flux and soil moisture in wetlands, (3) assessment of cropland growth conditions in Poland, and (4) land cover change detection. She was also responsible for the planning and implementation of field campaigns to measure various soil-vegetation parameters throughout Poland in support of the projects.

In 2013, she spent six months as a visiting geospatial analyst at South Dakota State University (SDSU) where she worked with Prof. Geoff Henebry on one of his NASA projects. She returned to SDSU in 2016 to pursue a doctorate while working as a graduate research assistant mentored by Prof. Henebry. Her dissertation research focused on the linkages between land surface phenology and snow cover seasonality in the highland pastures of Kyrgyzstan. Dr. Tomaszewska graduated in December 2019 with a PhD in Geospatial Science and Engineering. 

She uses advanced geospatial processing in Julia, Python, and R on high-performance computing clusters. She has had the opportunity to teach these techniques during workshops for international early career scientists, through her involvement in the Central Asia Regional Information Network (CARIN) and South Central and Eastern European Regional Information Network (SCERIN), which are nodes within the constellation of the GOFC-GOLD regional networks.

She is a member of the NASA Land Processes Distributed Active Archive Center (LP DAAC) User Working Group (UWG), and the Surface Biology and Geology (SBG) Algorithms and Applications working groups.


ORCID: 0000-0003-3641-323X

ResearchGate: Monika Anna Tomaszewska - ResearchGate

Google Scholar: Monika Anna Tomaszewska - Google Scholar


Currently, within Prof. Henebry’s Lab at CGCEO, she is involved in several research projects funded by NASA, including:

  • Understanding the impacts of environmental changes, migration, and remittances on agropastoral communities in montane Central Asia;
  • Investigating the influence of changing agricultural policies on land cover and land use in Romania;
  • Analyzing the ecological traps for avian migrants in urban centers; and
  • Evaluating the potential of fine spatial resolution X-band SAR for crop phenology monitoring.