September 11, 2015
CGCEO’s Dr. Catherine Lindell was selected alongside 16 other scientists to receive the National Science Foundation (NSF) Couple Human and Natural Systems Program (CNH) award for research on how humans and the environment interact. A total of $20.4 million was divided among the winners on August 14, 2015.
Dr. Lindell’s proposal “Linkages Among Farmer Decision Making, Beneficial Bird Species, and Pest Management in Fruit-Growing Systems” will investigate how predators, in this case the American kestrel, can be used in crop management.
Co-Principal Investigators include Drs. Philip Howard and Brian Maurer, Associate Professors at Michigan State University.
The team hopes to discover whether the American kestrel population will increase with the presence of nest boxes, which will be provided during the experiment in fruit-growing regions. The study will also observe whether the potential increase in kestrels, which prey on crop-eating pests, will influence yields and identify what factors influence a fruit-grower to utilize nest boxes. To learn more about Dr. Lindell's research, visit her lab research page.
Awards in NSF CNH have been issued as far back as 2001, but those selected in 2015 offer a unique perspective. "The 2015 awards will lead to new insights into and perspectives on linked human and natural systems that are important at local, regaional, national and global scales" stated tom Baerwald, CNH program director for NSF's Social, Behavioral & Economic Sciences.
More information covering the award and its winners can be found on NSF's news webpage.