NASA Land Cover Land Use Change (LCLUC) Program Science Support

The Global Observation of Forest and Land Cover Dynamics (GOFC-GOLD) is an international organization with an ambitious, multifaceted strategy integrating space-based and in-situ observations for sustainable management of natural resources. The main goal of GOFC-GOLD is to provide a forum for international information exchange, observation and data coordination, and a framework for establishing necessary long-term monitoring systems. The GOFC-GOLD Fire Implementation (Fire-IT) is led by three co-chair’s David Roy [Michigan State University, USA], Martin Wooster [King’s College, London] and Jesus Ayanz [European Commission, Joint Research Center, Italy]. The GOFC-GOLD-Fire Mapping and Monitoring Implementation Team is focused on refining and articulating the international observational requirements for satellite fire products and making the best possible use of fire products from existing and future satellite observing systems for fire management, policy decision-making, and global change research.
